WorkEsteemTM Implementation Program
Workplaces need a way to measure risks to mental health, collaborate on interventions and sustain the momentum… even through workplace change and pandemics.
WorkEsteemTM is an intensive support program to sustain psychological health in your workplace. It draws on the latest academic evidence about psychosocial risk interventions and translates the outcomes into applied practice.
The methods are consistent with internationally and nationally recognised best practice approaches to workplace mental health that focus on both prevention of poor health outcomes and support of individuals suffering from mental health conditions.
The WorkEsteemTM Implementation Program can be tailored to suit you based on your industry, your organisation size, and your existing systems.
Our consultants act as a resource for your staff while actions are being implemented. This further increases the likelihood of building psychologically safe systems of work.

Evidence has shown that a systematic approach to managing psychological health and safety in the workplace can improve employee health; attract and retain good staff; increase productivity; reduce absenteeism; and help to meet health and safety obligations.
WorkEsteemTM is an internationally recognised best practice program that provides a comprehensive and systematic assistance to ensure the right people, come together with the right information, at the right time, delivering tangible results for the workplace and worker health.
The program’s staged approach optimises employee engagement and promotes continuous improvement of psychological health and safety in the workplace. It also helps to build the capacity of the health and safety systems to reduce psychosocial risk through reasonable and practicable actions to protect worker psychological health.
The WorkEsteemTM Difference
A key part of the program is the post workshop support including consultation support and monthly network meetings. Research has shown that this supportive approach provides workplaces with resources when they need it most, leading to high worker engagement, more effective interventions and sustained health outcomes. Although the full program is recommended the program can be tailored to suit a workplace’s maturity levels and capability. Program options include:
- Awareness raising and training support around psychosocial risks
- A psychosocial risk assessment at the organisational and group levels
- An action planning workshop for facilitated intervention design
- Consultation and networking to support action plan implementation
- Evaluation to identify processes that were successful in reducing risk
An example of the full program methodology is below:

The program can work within individual workplaces or across industries providing the opportunity for similar organisations to share learnings and collaborate on joint initiatives to improve worker mental health.
The Opus Centre can further support the program with advice on communication strategies, worker engagement and event coordination for the smooth running of the program and to minimise any implementation workload on the Health and Safety or Human Resources Team.
Talk to us today about how we can help you. Call 1800 309 570 or fill in the form below: